Our Working Style

Follow the Golden Rule

  • Treat clients and agency staff as you would want to be treated.
  • Handle each project as though the money paying for it were your own.
  • Be reachable. Quickly return/reply to requests and messages.
  • Follow through on commitments.

Integrity is Key

  • Always tell the truth, including when that means saying, “I don’t know.”
  • Don’t accept work for which we are not a good fit; provide referrals as appropriate.
  • Don’t over-promise.

Quality is Key

  • Provide high quality, complete submissions to the regulatory agencies every time.
  • A complete, thorough, clear, concise, well prepared submission will take longer to prepare but will result in an earlier approval.
  • Take the time to get it right the first time rather than trying to fix it later.
  • Focus on the business objective (approval) rather than the target submission date.
  • Determine the shortcomings of each submission and preemptively address them.
Richard and Cindy meeting with a client

Be a Project Champion

  • Understand why the project is important.
  • Be willing to try new things and to find a better way.
  • Nearly all problems have solutions.

Use Good Time / Project Management

  • Identify the time-critical steps.
  • Each day, do the most important thing first.
  • Keep the client and agency advised of target dates and any changes.
  • Take strategic breaks.
  • Stay healthy.